суббота, 19 июня 2010 г.

Useful link about bitwise operators (for education purposes only)

суббота, 5 июня 2010 г.

Function pointers

Assume there are some functions

int func(int a, double b);
int fonc(int a, double b);

To create a pointer to these functions:

int(*p)(int, double);

p = func;

(*p)(1, 1.22);

/* or */

p = fonc;

p(2, 3.44) ;

Note: All functions that are used with the same function pointer must have the same parameters and return type.

воскресенье, 30 мая 2010 г.

Week 3 in OOP344

Lazy evaluation
Assume we have an array with 10 elements
and we want to print only those are greater than 3
int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,2,7,2,5,9};
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
arr[i]>3 && printf("%d \n", a[i]); /* the second part of the condition is evaluated only when the first one is true */

понедельник, 17 мая 2010 г.

I've just created my first blog)))))